To deploy Christ-centered teams to the world's most war-torn and impoverished nations rebuilding spiritually and physically.
No Greater Commission, formerly Nation Builders, was born out of a passion to advance the Kingdom of God. “No Greater Commission” speaks to Jesus sending his disciples to be Fishers of Men; Matthew 28: 18-20 “Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” The vision for Nation Builders was inspired by Matthew 22:36-40, “‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?’ And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.’” Kurt and Sandy Parsons take this commandment to heart and have devoted their 21 years of marriage to loving and serving military families.
While stationed at the U.S. Naval Academy, Kurt was blessed with the opportunity to work with young men and women who were interested in doing God's work and not just talking about it. Inspired by these men and women of action, Kurt and Sandy began to develop a vision for international missions work. Over the next several years, a small group of officers, midshipmen and civilians traveled throughout the world, actively seeking local pastors and leaders with whom they could build the Kingdom of God. While Kurt was in Afghanistan on a provincial reconstruction team in 2008, the team founded Nation Builders. Since then, Nation Builders has traveled to and supported fellow Christians in ten nations. Throughout their military and government careers, team members have worked in a combined total of over ninety countries.
In 2015 Nation Builders changed its name to No Greater Commission (NGC) and began fostering a unique vision of seeing military-trained Christ-followers partner with civilian believers to serve the world's most war-torn and impoverished nations.
Photo credit: NYTimes and Syed Mahamudur Rahman (NurPhoto), via Getty Images
Millions of Bangladeshi families are currently displaced from devastating floods. We are starting the effort to raise funds to ship food, water filters, and medical supplies which can be distributed to networks of local NGOs. Our current goal is to establish a pathway for goods and supplies to flow into Bangladesh, be warehoused until an emergency breaks out, and then rapidly distribute the goods to the most vulnerable populations while thorough risk assessments are being conducted. This approach mirrors the best practices for organizations operating in the region and we aim to work side-by-side with NGOs big and small to deliver a positive impact. “Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.” Psalm 57:1-2
This relief effort is aimed at serving the most needy populations, regardless of faith and denomination. God asks for us to care for the sick, the poor, the hungry. Today, he calls us to provide for the good people of Bangladesh who are clinging on for their survival. Money doesn’t make a difference when supplies run out and people cannot eat or drink clean food and water. “Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” Peter 3:8
The current project scope is still being determined based on which donations and in-kind services we are able to establish in the early stages. We are examining a mix of locally-procured foods and goods as well as the potential to import specialty items for the medical NGOs. Initial risk assessments are currently underway to identify specific locations for the storage and distribution nodes.

In the war-torn land of South Sudan stands a beacon of hope. The Mission Gardens of Christ (MGC), the dream of Pastor Stephen Mathiang, represents the power and hope of Jesus to resurrect life and restore hearts. The MGC exists as a true light in the darkness in the undeveloped land of South Sudan, functioning as a training facility for pastors and missionaries as well as a school for adolescents.
"Stephen’s story is remarkable. In a time of war, God supernaturally provided him with the opportunity to receive his education at Daystar University in Nairobi. He received a degree in business, a Master of Divinity and a doctorate in leadership. Returning to his country ravaged by war, he founded a nonprofit called Church and Development. Stephen began drilling wells to provide safe drinking water, building schools and training church leaders. He then had the vision for a training center that would equip pastors and church planters, educate children and youth, and provide vocational skills, a children’s home for the abandoned and a health clinic. Stephen started The Mission Gardens of Christ. The MGC represents the hope and power of Jesus to resurrect life and restore hearts. It is a light shining in the darkness of undeveloped South Sudan.
For the last six years, Pastor Stephen has been faithfully constructing The Mission Gardens of Christ. Though the challenges and setbacks have been many, today stands classrooms, a dining hall, dorms, a library and an office building.
In addition to the ongoing pastors’ training, Pastor Stephen hopes to open the doors of an elementary school (kindergarten through third grade) in early 2016. Shortly thereafter, training in agriculture and sewing will provide not only food and clothes for the school children and pastors in training, but also teach job skills. Because of the war and civil fighting, more and more children are displaced, burdening Pastor Stephen to start a children’s home in the near future." - Pastor Greg St. Cyr, from Go & Make Magazine
This October, No Greater Commission is traveling to The Mission Gardens of Christ! During the course of the trip, our team will:
Purchase and deliver two 4x4 Trucks
Purchase and deliver 4 Motorcycles
Purchase tools for the maintenance of the vehicles
Teach the workers of MGC how to perform vehicle maintenance
Hold a Pastor's Conference for MGC and surrounding churches
Hold a Women's Conference for MGC and surrounding area
Support needed for this mission: $130K
We ask for prayers and donations to help further the effort in South Sudan. No Greater Commission is a 501(c)(3); all donations are tax deductible. Upon receipt of your donation, No Greater Commission will send a donation receipt to the email provided.